Meet Our First Lady

Pastor Sharon Lyons

Pastor Sharon Lyons has been walking with the Lord for over 60 years. Salvation found her as a young single woman while in college.

After joining a local church to worship while in college, she became active in ministry serving in Sunday School, choir, youth ministry, and various other areas.

Pastor Sharon could always be found with a smile on her face. Her ministry is anointed with a unique sense of humor that ministers to God’s people while declaring victory in their lives and teaching men,

women and youth how to live a victorious Christian life. “God can use you no matter where he finds you” is one of her sayings. Her ultimate life’s goal is to live so God can be pleased with her life and she can help others as she has been helped

While in college she met the love of her life, the now Apostle Norman Lyons II. The two married in June, 1980 and began their family with the arrival of Juliet Patrice in 1982. Ten years later their second blessing arrived, Jasmine Latrice. When Fountain of Life Church was born in February, 1983, Norman and Sharon worked together as God assembled their church family.

A strong believer in education, in her later years as a wife and mother, Pastor Sharon returned to complete her college education by obtaining two degrees, Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor Degree in Marketing. She served faithfully as the Executive Administrator of Fountain of Life Church until January, 2016 when her eldest daughter, Juliet Patrice assumed the position, and she was promoted to Executive Director, allowing Juliet to assume the day to day operations of the administration, and allowed Pastor Sharon to become fully committed to the Women’s Ministry of “The Fountain”.